SOTA Activation Report: W4C/WM-001, Clingmans Dome
Trip of 2013.07.28
- Succeeded: Yes/No
- First-activation: Yes/No
- Propagation forecast on departure:
- Propagation forecast on return:
See my trip planning guide at: SOTA Guide: W4C/WM-001, Clingmans Dome
Clingmans Dome is one of the highest points east of the Mississippi. The summit is a short walk up from the parking lot. It has an observation tower at the summit. I was not brash enough to attempt an activation from the tower, though I did activate within sight of it. A number of young people asked me what I was doing. I had an experience that I often have: When I say I’m an amateur radio operator, I get blank looks, but when I say, “I set up a radio station and I talk to people from around the world,” I get enthusiastic declarations of, “Cool!”
Dark clouds were rolling in here, so I rushed through my activation again.
I set up my antenna near the ramp, at its farthest point from the observation deck. Next time, I’d like to try getting away from the deck, as I wonder if it interfered with my signal. Or maybe bring sound-deadening headphones and a narrator/protector and set up on top of the tower.
Thank you chasers for your patience!